

Acute effects of two difference volume of resistance exercises on cardiac hormones, angiotensin- II and lipolysis markers in active young male

Nikseresht Ali, Nikseresht Amjad, Ahmadizad Sajad

Objective: The natriuretic peptides (NPs) are endogenous cardiac hormones that have been entered in current guidelines for the diagnosis of heart problems. Resistance exercise (RE) has a beneficial effect on the NPs secretion, but there is limited research on what type of volume training of RE is appropriate. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to compare the pro-ANP, NT-pro-BNP, ANG-II, NEFA and Glycerol response during the RE with different volumes. Methods: Fifteen active men volunteers (age, 26.1 ± 0.9; years; weight, 74.4±1.9 kg; height, 176.3±1.3 cm) after determination of their strength (10-Repetition Maximum) performed two resistance exercise trials with a one-week interval. subjects performed similar resistance protocols while only set frequencies were differing (three-set or five-set for ten movements). Blood samples were taken in three times including, reference point, 3 and 30 minutes after exercise. Data were analysed using two-way repeated measures of ANOVA. Results: Finding revealed that resistance exercise high-volume has a significant effect on increase NT-pro-BNP (p=0.041) but the increment in ANP and decrement ANG-II was not meaningful. Additionally, lipolysis concentrations as a result of resistance exercise (increased in glycerol and decreased in NEFA) were significant without meaningful between protocols. Conclusion: Significant augment in NT-pro-BNP due to resistance high-volume (five-set) and synchronized overdrive neuro hormonal with left-ventricular dysfunction demonstrate that resistance exercise high-volume might be related to changes in pressure inside the heart that can contribute to heart problems.