Adrenal haemorrhage in the new born: revisited
Rushaid NA Al-Jurayyan, Amal A Al-Hakami, Nasir AM Al-Jurayyan
Background: Adrenal haemorrhage (AH) in the new-born is not that uncommon and has been reported frequently. AH occurs most often after a traumatic delivery or complicated neonatal course.
Design and Setting: A retrospective, hospital-based study conducted at king Khalid university hospital (KKUH), endocrine service, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, during the period January 2014 and July 2018.
Methods: Medical records of neonates who had been diagnosed to have AH were reviewed. Data included age, sex, clinical manifestations, laboratory and radiological investigations.
Results: During the period under review, five neonates were diagnosed to have adrenal haemorrhage. All were term male infants, who were delivered vaginally .one baby was large for gestational age (LGA), and three babies had perinatal hypoxemia. Clinical symptoms were not specific and diagnosis was confirmed by performing abdominal sonography (USG).
Conclusion: AH should be recognised in the new-borns with nonspecific symptoms who had potential risk factors. Abdominal ultrasonography (USG) should be performed to diagnose AH, and monitor its progress. Adrenal hormone testing also should be performed.