

Analysis of feature extraction techniques using lung cancer image in computed tomography

Pandian R, Lalitha Kumari S, Ravi Kumar DNS


 The precise identification and characterization of small pulmonary nodules at low-dose CT is a necessary requirement for the completion of valuable lung cancer screening. It is compulsory to develop some automated tool, in order to detect pulmonary nodules at low dose CT at the beginning stage itself. The numerous algorithms had been proposed earlier by many researchers in the past, but, the accuracy of prediction is always a challenging task. In this work, an artificial neural network based methodology is proposed to find the irregular growth of lung tissues. Higher probability of detection is taken as a goal to get an automated tool, with great accuracy. The finest feature sets derived from Haralick Gray level co-occurrence Matrix and used as the dimension reduction way for feeding neural network. In this work, a binary Binary classifier neural network has been proposed to identify the normal images out of all the images. The capability of the proposed neural network has been quantitatively computed using confusion matrix and found in terms of classification accuracy.

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