Basic life support education in Turkish dental schools
Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate the integration of basic life support (BLS) education in the dental curricula among Turkish dental schools.
Material and methods: A self-administered questionnaire including 20 questions investigating the delivery of BLS education was sent via e-mail to the heads of the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery of the dental schools.
Results: Eleven dental schools responded to questionnaire. BLS education was taught in different courses at all of the respondent dental schools. Theoretical examination was done at all of the schools however practical examinations were not performed. Of the respondents, only one school taught that their students could successfully perform BLS at any emergency. A blue code team was available in 27% of the schools that participated in the survey. Meanwhile, 36% adopted European Resuscitation Council guidelines as the main reference. One of the respondent schools reported that all of their practitioners possessed a BLS certificate.
Conclusions: There is a significant variation regarding the delivery of BLS education although it is a crucial component of the dental education program. Educators should be encouraged integrate contemporary guidelines into their curriculum.