

Effect of housing types on body weight, biometry and prediction of body weight using body biometry of the dual purpose French guinea fowl in Nigeria

Gwaza DS, Elkanah H, Addass PA

A total 116 dual purpose French guinea fowls were managed intensively in an unroofed and roofed house types in Katsina metropolitan city and at Bugaji. Data were collected on measurements using a plastic rule, a flexible measuring tape, a venire caliper and a weighing scale. The data were subjected to analysis of variance, regression and correlation. Guinea cocks under unroofed house had significantly (P<0.05) longer beak length, shank length, wattle length, and helmet width than guinea cocks under roofed house who had significantly longer (P<0.05) wing span and tail length. On the other hand, there was no significant difference (P>0.05) difference between guinea cocks managed under both housing types on mean body weight, thigh length, neck length, body length, chest circumference, head length, keel length and helmet length. Guinea hens raised in the roofed house were significantly (P<0.05) higher in mean beak length and shank length than birds under unroofed house who were found superior in mean helmet length and helmet width. There was no significant difference (P<0.05) in mean body weight and body linear measurements evaluated. There were significant (P<0.01) positive correlations between body weight, beak length, shank length, thigh length, chest circumference, body length, head length and helmet length. Chest circumference followed by body length were the best body linear measurements for body weight prediction in both sexes. The dual purpose French guinea fowl can be raised under both housing types without any conflict on body weight of birds.