

Energy Alterations and Chakras Energies Deficiencies as the Main Cause of Recurrent Urinary Tract Infection Resistant to Antibiotics Treatments

Huang Wei Ling

 Recurrent uncomplicated urinary tract infection (UTI) may be defined as 3 or more uncomplicated UTIs in 12 months. In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), the physiopathology of the disease is Kidney Yin deficiency, Blood deficiency and Heat retention. Purpose: To demonstrate that patients with recurrent urinary tract infection resistant to antibiotics treatment have energies imbalances and chakras energies deficiencies that is maintaining the infectious process in the energy point of view and the corrections of these energies imbalances are very important to treat the root problem and not just the symptoms. Methods: Two cases reports, both with a history of 20 years of recurrent urinary tract infection (not responding to antibiotics). TCM diagnoses were Kidney Yin and Yang deficiency, Blood deficiency and Heat retention. Radiesthesia procedure were done (all their chakras were in the minimum level). The treatment consisted in Chinese dietary counselling, auricular acupuncture with apex and Bladder ear bloodletting and replenishment of the chakras energy using homeopathy. Results: Both patients improved their condition of recurrent urinary tract infections and never appear again. Conclusion: Patients with recurrent urinary tract infection resistant to antibiotics treatment have energies alterations and chakras energies deficiencies. The rebalance of the internal energy (Chinese dietary counselling, auricular acupuncture with apex and urethra ear bloodletting) and replenishment of that chakras energy deficiencies with highly diluted medications according to the theory Constitutional Homeopathy of Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and crystal based medications were important tools to cure the recurrence of this kind of infection.