

Impact of thermal and alkaline stress in preparation and industrial applications of microbial salt-tolerant bacteria.

Abigail Cohen

Salt-tolerant enzymes generated by halophilic and halotolerant microorganisms have been suggested for use in a variety of high-saline applications. The current study aimed to evaluate the extracellular proteolytic, esterolytic, cellulolytic, and xylanolytic activities of some halotolerant strains, as well as characterise their functional parameters, in light of their biotechnological significance and the current need for more efficient producers of such catalysts. Quantitative methods were used to test 21 bacterial and fungal strains from the genera Bacillus, Virgibacillus, Salinivibrio, Salinicoccus, Psychrobacter, Nocardiopsis, Penicillium, Aspergillus, and Emericellopsis. Members of the Bacillus genus had the highest catalytic activity among them. Because of these characteristics, these hydrolases could be utilised in a novel application, namely cleaning old consolidants and organic deposits that have accumulated over time.