Influence of Polymerization with Argon Laser and Led on the Shear Bond Strength of Adhesive Systems
Tessia Richelly Nobrega Borja and Michel Nicolau youssef
The efficient polymerization of adhesive materials, decreasing the polymerization shrinkage process, is of paramount importance for the resistance and durability of the substrate / fixing material adhesion, directly influencing the resistance to masticatory efforts and orthodontic mechanics, reflecting on clinical benefits for patients and professionals1.
The most used device for photoactivating adhesive materials is the LED (Light Emitting Diode), which has a long service life and does not cause thermal changes in materials and dental structure. The argon laser is also capable of polymerizing resins. Its use is little studied in the literature, and there is no consensus in relation to a usage protocol, facts that generate doubts regarding its viability and efficiency2,3,4.
In view of the above, the objective of this research is to evaluate the influence of polymerization with Argon laser and LED on the shear bond strength of adhesive systems, conventional and self-etching.