

Investigation of the survival time and quantification of therapeutic benefits for HIV patients with highly active antiretroviral therapy

Riying Lv1,2, Guojian Li1*, Jizhou Wu3, Yujia Zhu2, Jianlong Li4, Xionglin Qin4, Shixiong Li2, Shaoping Fu2, Qiongfen Qin2, Chaoyu Xu2

Introduction of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has been proved to be very effective against HIV infection and AIDS progression. It has made a great contribution to decrease both HIVinduced AIDS mortality and morbidity. In this study, we aim to investigate the efficiency of HAART as the treatment for newly diagnosed HIV patients as well as survival time of patients. 3100 cases of newly diagnosed HIV patients receiving HAART were selected in this study for a period of 12 months. The level of viral RNA, numbers of CD4+ T cell and death cases were recorded monthly. With the 12 months of HAART treatment, the net increased numbers of CD4+ T cell were of 4.3 × 103 cell/ml in average (P<0.01). Viral load dropped to an undetectable level (below to 1.70 log copies/mL) after 8 months treatment. In conclusion, HIV/AIDS patients received significantly benefits by administrating HAART.

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