

Multifocal leiomyo-adenomatoid tumour of the uterus a distinct pathological entity

Junainah EM, Elrashidy A, Elnashar H, Huwait HF, Albezrah NKA, Bakr AS, Ali H, Alawad S, Althaher F, Althaher A, Junainah E, Elmetwally A, Junainah M

Adenomatoid tumour is a benign mesothelial tumour, which arises from the lining of organs. This tumour generally presents in the both male and female genital tracts. In males the tumour is encountered in genital regions such as the testis and epididymis. It is the second most common extratesticular scrotal mass, following lipoma and accounts for 30 % of these masses. Also it has been seen in the pancreas. However in females it has been found incidentally in the uterine body and the fallopian tubes. Leiomyo-adenomatoid tumour (LMAT) is a variant of adenomatoid tumour, in which predominantly composed of smooth muscle. However, only ten cases of LMAT were reported in the literature review. In addition we report a case and review the other ten cases.