

Our experience of 20 cases of mucocele

Sambhaji g.chintale, kirdak vilas , landge sonali ,shaikh kaleem

Mucocele is one of the most common benign soft tissue tumor present in the oral cavity. They are of two types - one is extravasation and second one is retention type but the majority are extravasation type [1 2] . There clinical presentation in respect to site ,size ,appearance, aetiology and symotoms are improatant to differentiate these benign lesion from other premalignant benign lesion of oral cavity there surgical excision and histopathological confirmation are necessary OBJECTIVES To study the aetiology and clinical presentation of mucucele. To study surgical management and histopathological findings of mucocele MATERIALS AND METHODS: This is hospital based prospective study carried out from march 2014 to march 2016. This study include 20 cases of mucocele presented to our ENT opd. Detail history and examination of ear nose throat of all the patients done investigated and operation done histopathological diagnosis were made . All patient were followed up over period for recurrence . RESULTS: This study includes 20 cases in which 13( 65%) are males 7 (35%) are female mean age of study is 16.6 year. Male to female ratio 1.8:1 peak age of occurance is 2nd decade of life 9( 45%)cases CONCLUSION: We conclude that there was male predominance and they were more affected in 2nd decade. We must understand the importance of histopathology examination mucocele to rule out other oral benign and premalignant malignant oral lesion .Thus, clinical knowledge of oral lesions is necessary for the correct diagnosis and for the indication of appropriate treatment.