Radiofrequency ablation Habib-4X in the clinical application of spleen preservation surgery
Junzhong Shi, Huijun Sun, Yijun Wang, Jianbin Zhuang, Licheng Zhang, Xiaojiang Liu
Objective: To evaluate the effects of radiofrequency ablation Habib-4X for patients with splenic tumor or injury to repair their damage.
Methods: The clinical effect of splenectomy in 80 patients with splenic tumor or injury was analysed retrospectively from July 2010 to September 2016. Of these, 40 patients who received radiofrequencyassisted splenectomy (RP group) were compared to 40 patients who had splenectomy without ablation (RN group). Use factors operative timethe amount of bleeding lose and the rates of complication to compare efficacies while detect platelet level at 5, 10, 15, 20 and 30 days after surgery to determine the effect for immune system.
Results: The operative time, blood lose and the complication rate in the RP group is significantly lower than that in RN group (P<0.05), however the platelet level in the RN group is significantly higher than the RP group (P<0.05) from day 5 to day 20. All the patients were stable in the operation and did not need to stay in the ICU.
Conclusion: Splenectomy with radiofrequency ablation Habib-4X is safer and more reliable than conventional splenectomy, which not only reduces the difficulty of operation, but also improves the success rate of operation. So most of the patients’ spleen function can be preserved and avoid long-term severe infection occurs, which deserves promotion to promote the preservation of spleen surgery in clinical.