

Study of immune function and psychological intervention on patients with malignant tumor after radiotherapy

Xuehui Long, Xiaomei Gong

Objective: To analyze the changes of immune function in patients with malignant tumor radiotherapy and healthy subjects before and after psychological intervention, so as to guide the clinical treatment of patients with cancer.

Methods: The psychological status, immune function and psychological intervention of the subjects were analyzed before and after the psychological test.

Results: In the malignant tumor group, the SCL-90 total score, total score, number of positive items, positive symptom scores and the factor scores were higher than those in healthy control group, mainly including somatization, depression, anxiety and psychosis, CD3+, CD4+, CD4+/CDS+ and NK cell levels were lower than the control group.

Conclusion: When patients with malignant tumors were compared with the healthy control group, the SCL-90 total score, positive and negative symptom scores indicated that the former had many psychological problems. And the immune function of patients with malignant tumors like CD3+, CD4+ level, were significantly lower than the healthy control group. Therefore, it is very important to test the immune function, and making a good monitor and personalized nursing in the late stage of radiotherapy for the immune function of the targeted health patients.

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