The correlation of stress response, psychological state and prognosis in the different treatments of uterine fibroids
Long Lixia, Han Lan, Dang Yun
In this study we investigated a relationship between stress response, psychological state and prognosis of women with uterine fibroids under different treatments. A total of 312 patients with uterine fibroids undergoing laparoscopy myomectomy, abdominal myomectomy, laparoscopy hysterectomy and abdominal hysterectomy were recruited in this study. Serum interleukin-6 (IL6) concentration and data of psychological state before and after therapies were collected and statistical analyses carried out. 292 cases had completed the questionnaires. In this study we found that there was no major depression or anxiety after laparotomy or laparoscopy, while we found a statistically significant improvement in psychological state and closer serum level of IL-6 to the normal level before surgeries compared with the laparoscopy group and the laparotomy group. While the patients who had higher level of IL-6 emerged worse psychological state within three months after surgery. IL-6 may be the biological indices reflecting the severity of depression after therapy, and laparoscopy would be better than laparotomy on the improvement of psychological state. In the future, we would make a further research on the intervention of mental for the patients need HIFU and other surgeries to find a better safe and effective method.