Non-Family employees as witnesses of ideological tensions in small family business successions.
The psychometric properties of confidence: structure across cultures in working adult samples.
Therapy mental and psychological troubles (MPSYT) by repeating phrases of positive thoughts (TRPPT) with women. Intercultural comparison: Middle East and Europe, war and peace. A controlled and randomized study-Cognitive therapy & positive psychotherapy.
Validation of the Automatic Thoughts Questionnaire-18 item- Multiple Sclerosis-Arabic (ATQ-18-MS-Ar) among multiple sclerosis patients.
Treatment by repeating phrases of positive thoughts (TRPPT): A new effective treatment tool against psychological troubles (PSYT) (Depression, anxiety, stress, low self-esteem and dissatisfaction in life) in multiple sclerosis patients and students, a controlled and randomized pilot study.
Effects of the number of objects and locations on attentional allocation and processing in a visual short-term memory task.
Lithium induced myeloradiculopathy - A rare case report of serious SILENT phenomenon.
Self-reported and directly observed physical function and anxiety symptoms in community-dwelling US Chinese older adults: Findings from the PINE study.
Flashbulb memories of the Charlie Hebdo attack.
Test-retest reliability and validity of a custom-designed computerized neuropsychological cognitive test battery in young healthy adults.