

臨床および実験毒性学ジャーナルは、 臨床毒性学および実験毒性学のすべての主要分野における独自の研究成果を出版するための学際的な研究ジャーナルです。


表や図とともに原稿の原本をオンラインの編集局(  www.scholarscentral.org/submissions/clinical-experimental-有毒学.html)に送信するか、メールの添付ファイルとしてclinticol@alliedjournals.org および/または  に送信する 必要があります。 clinticol@theresearchpub.com





記事処理料金 (APC)

臨床および実験毒性学ジャーナルは自己資金で運営されており、いかなる機関/政府からの資金提供も受けていません。したがって、ジャーナルは著者および一部の学術/企業スポンサーから受け取った手数料のみによって運営されています。オープンアクセス出版社であるため、ジャーナルは記事への無料オンラインアクセスを可能にするために読者から購読料を徴収しません。したがって、著者は論文の処理に対して公正な手数料を支払う必要があります。著者は、原稿が出版に受理された後にのみ支払いを行う必要があります。記載の記事処理料金は基本料金であり、これらの料金は広範な編集、色効果、複雑な方程式、No. の余分な伸びに基づいて変動する場合があります。記事のページ数と資金などに基づいています。

Manuscript Type Article Processing Charges
Regular Articles 950 1050 900

Author Withdrawal Policy

From time to time, an author may wish to withdraw a manuscript after submitting it. Changing one's mind is an author's prerogative, and an author is free to withdraw an article at no charge as long as it is withdrawn within 5 days of its initial submission after which 40% of actual APC as a withdrawal charges are applicable for all articles withdrawn. If you have concerns or questions about it, please contact us for further discussion. We welcome your input.

Discount Policy

If you do not have funds to pay Article Processing Charges, you will have an opportunity to get time to time discounts on fee upon providing us with a valid reason for the same. We do not want fees to prevent the publication of worthy work.

Average Article Processing Time (APT) is 30-45 days.

Preparation of Manuscripts

Manuscripts should consist of the following sub-divisions: Title Page, Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results/Observations, Discussion, Acknowledgements, References, Tables, Figures and Legends. All manuscripts should be written in English and number all the pages consecutively beginning with the title page.

Title Page

The title page should include the complete title of the manuscript, the author(s) name(s), address of the institute where the work was conducted, running title and the name and address of the author to whom the correspondence should be sent. 3-8 key words must be included.


The abstract should not exceed 250 words. It should be written in complete sentences and should give factual information.


The abbreviations and symbols should follow the recommendations on units, symbols and abbreviations: in “A guide for Biological and Medical Editors and Authors (The Royal Society of Medicine London 1977)”.


A list of all the references cited in the text should be given at the end of the manuscript. The references should be cited according to the Vancouver agreement. They should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text. Identify references in the text by Arabic numerals [in square brackets]. Authors must check and ensure the accuracy of all references cited. All authors should be cited. Abbreviations of titles of medical periodicals should conform to those used in the latest edition of Index Medicus. The volume of the periodical should be followed by the page number of each reference cited. Some examples are shown below:

Journal article

Gendron F-P, Newbold NL, Vivas-Mejia PE, Wang M, Neary JT, Sun GY, Gonzalez FA, Weisman GA.  Signal transduction pathways for P2Y2 and P2X7 nucleotide receptors that mediate neuroinflammatory responses in astrocytes and microglial cells. Biomed Res 2003; 14: 47-61.

Personal authors’ book

Carr KE, Toner PG. Cell structure: An introduction to electron microscopy. 3rd Ed Edinburgh Churchill Livingstone 1962.

Edited book

Dauset J, Columbani J eds. Histocompatability 1972. Copenhagen Muksgaard 1973.

Chapter in a book

Fenichel GM. Hemipelgia: In: Clinical Neurology. 2nd ed W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia 1993; pp 246-260.


Do not submit tables as photographs or scanned documents. Number tables consecutively in the order of their first citation in the text and supply a brief title for each. The tables should be typed on separate sheets. Place explanatory details as footnotes. Give each column a short or abbreviated heading.


All figures should be listed together. Figures should not exceed 16.5 x 22.0 cm and should be numbered. For the reproduction of illustrations, only good quality drawings and original photographs can be accepted. When possible, group several illustrations on one page for reproduction. Photomicrographs should have internal scale markers. Symbols, arrows, or letters used in the photomicrographs should contrast with the back­ground. Electronically submitted b/w half-tone and color illustrations must have a final resolution of 300 dpi after scaling, and 800-1200 dpi for line drawings.

Galley proofs

Unless indicated otherwise, galley proofs will be sent to the corresponding author and should be returned within 48 hours of receipt.


Reprints may be purchased. Order for supply of reprints may be sent while returning the galley proofs after corrections. No reprint/s will be supplied free of charge. Reprint Order Form and Price List will be sent with the galley proofs.


Generally, submitted manuscripts are sent to one experienced referee from our panel. The contributors may submit names of three qualified reviewers who have had experience in the subject of the submitted manuscript, but are not associated with the same institution(s) as the contributors nor have published manuscripts with the contributors in the past 10 years.


When reporting experiments on human subjects, indicate whether the procedures followed were in accordance with the ethical standards of the responsible committee on human experimentation (institutional or regional) and with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975, as revised in 2000 (http://www.wma.net/en/30publications/10policies/b3/). Do not use patients' names, initials, or hospital numbers, especially in illustrative material. When reporting experiments on animals, indicate whether the institution’s or a national research council's guide for, or any national law on the care and use of laboratory animals was followed.


When possible, quantify findings and present them with appropriate indicators of measurement error or uncertainty (such as confidence intervals). Report losses to observation (such as dropouts from a clinical trial). Put a general description of methods in the Methods section. When data are summarized in the Results section, specify the statistical methods used to analyse them. Avoid non-technical uses of technical terms in statistics, such as 'random' (which implies a randomising device), 'normal', 'significant', 'correlations', and 'sample'. Define statistical terms, abbreviations, and most symbols.


After approving premium Individual/Institutional membership, there is a benefit to authors who are willing to publish their valuable manuscripts into this Journal, that is they can publish their articles for free untill the end of membership period (1 Year/ 3 Years/ 5 Years). Membership is now available for the universities/institutes/individuals/students/scientific societies.

Individual Annual Membership Benefits

Member can submit N number of articles to any of the 関連アカデミー Journals.
Member will get waiver on registration for any one 関連アカデミー conference.

Institutional Membership Benefits

Registered University/Institute can submit N number of articles to any of the 関連アカデミー Journals.
Registered University/Institute (for two representatives) will get waiver on registration for any one 関連アカデミー conference.
Registered University/Institute will get a prestigious certificate of membership from 関連アカデミー.

Membership 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years
Individual Euro 2499 Euro 4999 Euro 5999
University/Institute Euro 4999 Euro 9999 Euro 11999

Additional Policies

Discontinued Journals

Journals that become discontinued for any reason will remain archived on the Journal's website indefinitely. These discontinued journals will be open to the general public and continue to be available in various indexes and repositories.

Retractions and Corrections

Should any paper need to be removed from a Journal that has already been published, that paper will be removed from the PDF version of the Journal in such a way that it does not change the page/pdf numbers of other papers published in that issue of the Journal. The authors of the removed manuscript may be subject to republication fees (if applicable). Corrected versions of the Journal will be made available on the Journal website, as well as all applicable indexes.

Corrections that need to be made to an already published Journal will be handled in such a way that it does not affect any of the other papers published in that issue. If the correction stems from author error, a republication fee may apply. Corrections due to publisher error will be handled without charge. Corrected versions of the Journal will be made available on the Journal website, as well as all applicable indexes.


ジャーナルへの広告に関する決定は事務局長によって行われます。適切と考えられる広告には、高等教育機関、研究機関、出版社、学術団体、執筆支援および翻訳サービス、雑誌索引作成会社、会議主催者、イベントコーディネーターなどが含まれますが、これらに限定されません。現在受け入れられている広告の種類には、ジャーナルの Web サイトに掲載されるイメージ広告とテキスト広告、およびジャーナル自体の本文に含まれるイメージ広告とテキスト広告が含まれます。

迅速な編集の実行とレビューのプロセス (手数料レビューのプロセス)

臨床および実験毒性学ジャーナルは、通常の論文処理料金とは別に、99 ドルを追加の前払いで高速編集実行およびレビュー プロセス (FEE-Review Process) に参加しています。高速編集実行およびレビュー プロセスは、査読者からのレビューだけでなく担当編集者からのレビュー前段階での応答も迅速に得ることができる、記事のための特別なサービスです。著者は投稿後最大 3 日で事前レビューの応答を得ることができ、査読者によるレビュープロセスは最大 5 日で得られ、その後改訂/出版は 2 日で完了します。記事が担当編集者から改訂の通知を受けた場合、前の査読者または代替査読者による外部レビューにさらに 5 日かかります。

原稿の受理は、編集チームの考慮事項と独立した査読の処理によって完全に決定され、定期的な査読出版へのルートや迅速な編集レビュープロセスに関係なく、最高の基準が維持されることが保証されます。担当編集者と記事寄稿者は、科学的基準を遵守する責任があります。論文審査手数料 99 ドルは、論文が拒否または出版が取り下げられた場合でも返金されません。

責任著者または機関/組織は、原稿の査読プロセスの料金を支払う責任があります。追加料金レビュープロセスの支払いは、迅速なレビュー処理と迅速な編集上の決定をカバーし、定期的な論文の出版はオンライン出版のためのさまざまな形式での準備をカバーし、HTML、XML、PDF などの多数の永久アーカイブに全文が確実に含まれるようにします。さまざまなインデックス作成機関にフィードします。